
怎么吃 | 从食物中觉醒 | No.1

作者 awei

正念饮食 Mindful  Eating


To cultivate mindfulness, we can do the same   things we always do—walking, sitting, working, eating, and so on—with mindful awareness of what we are doing. When we’re eating, we know that we are eating. When we open a door, we know that we’re opening a door. Our mind is with our actions.


When you put a piece of fruit into your mouth, all you need is a little bit of mindfulness to be aware:  “I am putting a piece of apple in my mouth.”

心不需要跑到其他地方。如果一邊咀嚼、一 邊想著工作,就不是以正念進食;把注意力放在蘋果上,才叫作提起正念。這時再深入觀看,刹那間看到了蘋果種子、美麗的果園、晴朗的天空、農夫、采摘蘋果的工人等等。一顆蘋果得來不易啊!

Your mind doesn’t need to be somewhere else. If you’re thinking of work while you chew, that’s not eating mindfully. When you pay attention to the apple, that is mindfulness.  Then you can look more deeply and in just a very short time you will see the apple seed, the beautiful orchard and the sky, the farmer, the   picker, and so on. A lot of work is in that apple!

食而不想 Eating without Thinking

我們吃東西時通常會一邊想事情。練習吃東西時不亂想,覺察食物就好,這様更能享受進食的過程。有時候,我們心不在焉地吃。 没有用心、心不在當下,就會視而不見、聽而不聞、食而不知味;這就是忘失、没有正念。要確實活在當下,就要把思緒停下來。 這是成功的秘訣。

When we eat we usually think. We can enjoy   our eating a lot more if we practice not thinking when we eat. We can just be aware of the food. Sometimes we eat and we’re not aware that we’re eating. Our mind isn’t there. When   our mind isn’t present, we look but we don’t    see, we listen but we don’t hear, we eat but we don’t know the flavor of the food. This is a state of forgetfulness, the lack of mindfulness. To be truly present we have to stop our thinking. This is the secret of success.

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